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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vastness \Vast"ness\, n. The quality or state of being vast.


n. (context uncountable English) The quality of being vast.


n. unusual largeness in size or extent [syn: enormousness, grandness, greatness, immenseness, immensity, sizeableness]

Usage examples of "vastness".

If the skein of historical causality had been different - if the brilliant guesses of the atomists on the nature of matter, the plurality of worlds, the vastness of space and time had been treasured and built upon, if the innovative technology of Archimedes had been taught and emulated, if the notion of invariable laws of Nature that humans must seek out and understand had been widely propagated - I wonder what kind of world we would live in now.

Jones was picked up out of the watery vastness of the Pacific Ocean by his own power cruiser, the Bandersnatch, which had for three days been cross-quartering those waters in the vain, despairing hope of picking up some trace of him or his body.

It is possible that Dopey for some time had been deliberately curbing his natural tendency to vastness until he had attained the security of a good home.

Again the Ard-righ spoke, turning his head about so that as many might hear as possible, even in the echoic vastness of that building that could have contained many, many houses.

Also for the first time, Asia acquired a precise intellectual and historical dimension with which to buttress the myths of its geographic distance and vastness.

The weeping had calmed and satisfied her heart, ind she could feel the vastness of the world and the great roundness of time.

The nagual, on the other hand, was the inex- plicable source that held that table in place and was like the vastness of that deserted valley.

He was standing near the riverward end of the rock, made to seem small by the vastness of the sky that had opened up above him, with its scattering of wild stars and silver cicatrice of moon.

As a police Roton lifted them toward the sky, they saw a metropolis of eight to ten million spread beneath the vastness of the Hangtree.

What a sense of vastness and freedom is there on the broad heaving slopes of these subalpine spurs.

Finally the great light of those thicker fungi revealed a sinister green and grey vastness pushing up through the roof of the forest and out of sight.

This pendant world, observe, is not the earth, as Addison understood it, but the entire sidereal universe, depicted not as the infinity we now know it to be, but as a definite object, so insulated in the vastness of space as to be perceptible to the distant Fiend as a minute star, and no larger in comparison with the courts of Heaven--themselves not wholly seen--than such a twinkler matched with the full-orbed moon.

She spread her arms wide, in indication of the vastness of the upbearing body whereon she sat.

He had thought the cargo docks on Wolfbane were huge: now he realized you could take their entire vastness and lose them in one small corner of these docks.

By my life-blood I conjure it, by blood born on the green breast of Yag, dreaming far-poised in the great blue vastness of Space.