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n. (plural of vanishing English)

Usage examples of "vanishings".

He was convinced that the global vanishings had been Christ rapturing his church, but for those who remained behind, the event had been catastrophic.

After nearly two years of peace and a largely successful campaign to charm the masses following the terror-filled chaos of the global vanishings, Carpathia now faced significant opposition for the first time.

He was as eager to know Buck's latest thoughts on the vanishings and the global war as he was in sharing his own views.

He recalled that Ritz had been forthright and outspoken when they first met, admitting that he had no more idea than anyone else what might have caused the vanishings but coming down on the side of aliens from outer space.

Within days after the vanishings, the man who had seemingly overnight become president of Romania was a guest speaker at the United Nations.

Hadn't he spelled out to her everything he had learned following the vanishings, which he now knew as the Rapture?

Once the news broke that the vanishings had occurred around the world, the Ranger cap­tain knew the battered remnants of the 75th Rangers would lose some of their belief that they would make it out of their present situa­tion alive.

Within two weeks of the vanishings, Carpathia was swept to international power as head of the United Nations, promising to unite the devastated globe as one peaceful village.

She was the sole reason I came as close as I did to becoming a Christian before the Rapture, and—second only to the vanishings themselves—she was the reason I finally did come to the Lord.

She was the sole reason I came as close as I did to becoming a Christian before the Rapture, and-second only to the vanishings themselves-she was the reason I finally did come to the Lord.

He began with losing his family in the vanishings ("I lost a few relatives myself," Fogarty said) and told how he and Lionel had met.

Only when she asked if he had lost anybody in the vanishings did he tell her about his family in Tucson and his friends in England.

It holds that the vanishings of two and a half years ago were God's doing.

Ben-Judah created an uproar, particularly among Jews, when at the end of the live, globally televised airing of his views he announced that Jesus the Christ was the only person in history to fulfill all the Messianic prophesies, and that the vanishings were evidence that he had already come.