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Uzzi (Hebrew עוזי `OoZY) is a biblical name meaning "my strength".

People with this name:


  • ( in 1 Chr., Σαουια in Ezra; ), the son of Bukki, a descendant of Aaron (1 Chr. 6:5, 51; Ezra 7:4)
  • (; ), a grandson of Issachar (1 Chr. 7:2, 3)
  • (; ), a son of Bela, and grandson of Benjamin (1 Chr. 7:7)
  • (; ), a Benjamite, a chief in the tribe (1 Chr. 9:8)
  • (; ), a son of Bani, had the oversight of the Levites after the return from captivity (Neh. 11:22)
  • (; ), the head of the house of Jedaiah, one of "the chief of the priests" (Neh. 12:19)
  • (; ) a priest who assisted in the dedication of the walls of Jerusalem (Neh. 12:42)


  • Alin Adrian "Uzzi" Demeter, Romanian Hip-Hop artist, member of B.U.G. Mafia