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upper jaw

n. the upper jawbone in vertebrates; it is fused to the cranium [syn: upper jawbone, maxilla]

Usage examples of "upper jaw".

It shook its head woozily and licked both sides of its upper jaw at once.

In the quietness of the cave, with the smoke about him, he cursed his teeth and struck the stick with enormous force until he felt a horrible wrenching in his upper jaw.

They sailed around Cape Magellan, depending in a drawn-up curve from the main body of Elizabeth like a giant fang in the upper jaw of a sabertooth cat, and found the Kupe Islands.

The teeth in the upper jaw in the chimpanzee are not exposed when they utter their laughing noise, in which respect they differ from us.

The heavy lead bullet smashed into the Captain's open pleading mouth, knocking the two front teeth out of his upper jaw, and then it plunged on into his throat and exited through the back of his skull in a scarlet burst of blood and bone chips, clubbing him down into the dirt of the roadway while Fergus turned and darted away under the cover of the hedge.

His lip had been torn up into the soft of the nostril in one of these fights and had healed askew, so that the yellow teeth in one side of his upper jaw were exposed in a hideous grin.

Where they started, side by side in the upper jaw, they were huge.

Dazing pain, sharp and hot, drove into his upper jaw just in front of his ringing ear.

Which is to say, he'd stripped his upper jaw of teeth, unhinged the lower jaw, withdrawn all flesh from the offending bones and so been rid of them.

One head had long descending tusks sprouting from the upper jaw, keeping the mouth permanently open.

The broad blade of the panga gouged a chunk of bone from the upper jaw and snapped off a dozen teeth.