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up for

prep. (context idiomatic English) willing to participate in; interested in.

Usage examples of "up for".

Mooner is like a goofy stray kitten that shows up for a bowl of kibble once in a while.

Instead of conjuring up for himself pictures of that home circle in which he had once moved, and those creatures who in the past years had thought him worthy of esteem and affection, he placed before himself but one idea, one embodiment of happiness, one being who was without sin and without stain, among all the monsters of that pit into which he had fallen.

Kenny was locked up without bail, and I expected he'd be locked up for a good long time.

Dayne locked the door and the deadbolt and the night lock and started closing up for the night.

The things we have in common make up for the fact that we can't really talk about work.

It had a hole in the top and a switch on its side and I held it up for examination.

We made an impressive sight as we barged into the main ballroom which had' been set up for the press meeting.

They would look at the costs he was running up for families who would never be able to pay off the hundreds of thousands of dollars their bill would run.

His convict servant had, according to his instructions, sat up for him, and as he entered, the man handed him a letter, bearing a superscription in a female hand.

The detachment of fifty being on deck--airing--the prison was not quite so hot as at night, and many of the convicts made up for their lack of rest by snatching a dog-sleep in the bared bunks.