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a. Not spectacular.


adj. not spectacular; "an unspectacular but necessary task"

Usage examples of "unspectacular".

And indeed, life for the Adams family had settled into a routine which, if unspectacular, seemed to agree with all of them.

Harmon Lang-ley, having come to the end of a long and unspectacular career, poised, so to speak, on the edge of the great forgettery, would not be the one, reasoned Mack, to shun the mantle of sudden fame this baby offered.

And he was sitting outdoors at the Baja Naja, toying with the remains of a perfectly agreeable if unspectacular lunch while discussing a kind of previously unsuspected diabolic state of being with an extensively parasitized visitor from another continent.

Though unspectacular, as comets go, it was nevertheless the first comet to appear since the birth of the telescope.

Later, she and Gracias saw that the end of their attacker bad been singularly unspectacular.

White calcite crystals showed here and there in snowy patches on the roof, otherwise the rock was unspectacular.

The occurrence at De Dooms in Holland was mysterious, spectacular and tragic: the one at Metnitz in Germany was a good deal less mysterious, unspectacular and faintly comic.

Despite unspectacular grades, perhaps because of a good Graduate Entrance Exam score, possibly due to the odd letter I wrote in which I explained I wished first of all to be the world's greatest gigolo and, second, to write, I was accepted into the graduate writing program.

The immediate results were wholly unspectacular, and Cronkite feared that they might be out of radio range.