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  1. 1 Without reins. 2 (cx figurative English) Without any restricting or limiting influence. v

  2. (en-past of: unrein)

Usage examples of "unreined".

As for the rest of my infancy, it is a passing lantern-show of swaddling bands, sore gums, wooden rattles, tops, hoops, rods, whips, tears, tantrums, messed underclothes, pulled hair, grazed knees, teeth left under pillows, burning candlewax, stone flags, water-rats, whiskery old aunts, causeless laughter and unreined grief.

She seems to be so saintly, so remote, but she knows the urgencies of the flesh and to what, unreined, they lead.

It was the thunder of unreined seas, the roar of a storm wind ripping through icy passes.

Leaping into the air and pushing hard, the hunters shot upward and backward, the unreined wind thrusting their rigid forms ever higher.