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n. The act by which something is unfurled. vb. (present participle of unfurl English)

Usage examples of "unfurling".

One potential target was the concentrations of tank transporters the Iraqi military relied on to move Republican Guard T-72 tanks around the country.

She watched till the lips appeared on the screen shaping the words, drawing her own tight against their artifice, pulling up the welter of sheets, stretching the bottom one and tucking its corners, unfurling the top one, shaking it out.

Antyr since his arrival at Anderras Darion were unfurling, steadying him.

They serpented towards his feet, curling, unfurling many crests, every ninth, breaking, plashing, from far, from farther out, waves and waves.

Harry said to Rossetti, unfurling himself from the chair and heading for the door.