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a. Not functional; ornamental, or serving some other purpose than a practical one.


adj. not related to or fitted for everyday needs or activities

Usage examples of "unfunctional".

He looked down at his tanned bare arms and naked fingers, at the short, unfunctional nails.

And he unquestionably should be able to live a life uncluttered by such insistent trifles as clothing conventions, unfunctional chivalries, psychic turmoils and dangerous mental and physical escapes into what the psychologists call romances.

Centaurs wore no unfunctional clothing, and they considered modesty unfunctional.

And he unquestionably should be able to live a life uncluttered by such insistent trifles as clothing convenĀ­tions, unfunctional chivalries, psychic turmoils and dangerous menĀ­tal and physical escapes into what the psychologists call romances.