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unequal to

adj. not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him" [syn: incapable, incompetent, unequal to(p)]

Usage examples of "unequal to".

Or perhaps the disaster that had befallen the Enterprise was so vast in scope that even the backups were unequal to the task.

It was, however, scarcely in his power to place the superiority of his predecessor in a more conspicuous light, than by thus confessing himself unequal to the task of defending the conquests of Trajan.

The strength of Alboin had been found unequal to the gratification of his love, ambition, and revenge: he condescended to implore the formidable aid of the chagan.

If I attempted to give an adequate description of these manifold disasters, these stern and lasting necessities, though I am quite unequal to the task, what limit could I set?

And, in part, because I felt myself to be unequal to a struggle with her.

The princess Anne, his daughter and historian, observes, in her affected style, that even Hercules was unequal to a double combat.

This list is imperfect because I make it hastily, and because I am unequal to the subject.

It seemed as if those who adopted such projects were wholly ignorant of their circumstances or wholly unequal to their necessities.

Neither is the love which proceeds from Father and Son unequal to the Father or the Son, for Father and Son love themselves and one another in the same degree in which what they are is good.