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a. Not dramatic; lacking in dramatic action.


adj. lacking dramatic force and quality; "moved with quiet force and undramatic bearing" [ant: dramatic]

Usage examples of "undramatic".

To announce the fact, with a tabulation of his reasons, would be the historic, retrospective, undramatic way of dealing with the matter.

An undramatic subject, we find, can be treated dramatically, so that the different method is at hand.

There is no fact that strikes one, I think, about Shakespeare, except the fact of how dramatic he could be, so much as the fact of how undramatic he could be.

Even as Harry watched, another ship, smaller than the previous leviathan, went up, buoyed by invisible force in undramatic silence, only a couple of hundred meters away.

I question your adherence To such an undramatic narrative As this of mine, without the personal hook.

He had survived too many crises, been through too much on behalf of others and in search of his origins, to perish on an alien world of something as simple and undramatic as thirst.

Backgrounds must be consistent in all aspects, even the mundane, undramatic ones.

The night, Am alia reported, had gone well, and the charts showed the gradual, undramatic improvement they all hoped for.

If sometimes their plays seem poorly constructed to us, static and undramatic, it must be because we are failing to find the true dramatic center of them.

Something of the fatal languor and preoccupation that persist beneath all the violence of our stage--our national undramatic character--is perceptible in the narrative of our literature.

The sabotage was so undramatic it was scarcely more than adult vandalism, but why such pettiness, why not totally disabling acts?

He was wholly undramatic in the actuation of the characters which he imagined so dramatically.

Each month brought a new story, undramatic to the newspaper reader but ominous to our staff, of bolder and bolder moves by Roosevelt to deny us freedom of the seas.

In spite of movies like The Lost Weekend, I think what we do is pretty undramatic.