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a. 1 Unable to be discovered; hidden perfectly. 2 (context legal English) Not subject to being produced in response to a discovery request.


adj. not able to be ascertained; resisting discovery [syn: unascertainable]

Usage examples of "undiscoverable".

I remember how one used to be told that no code or cypher which was practically useful was really undiscoverable, and in a sense that is true, especially of codes.

Gregoire still laughed at the memory of that incident, and lived afresh through all his old time sweethearting--the escapades with Therese along the river banks, and the banquets of blackberries in undiscoverable hiding-places, deep in the woods.

But suddenly as he peered down and down into its depths, he profoundly saw a white living spot no bigger than a white weasel, with wonderful celerity uprising, and magnifying as it rose, till it turned, and then there were plainly revealed two long crooked rows of white, glistening teeth, floating up from the undiscoverable bottom.

His motives are often undiscoverable, and he cannot probe to them or know why he does this or that.

He was undiscoverable until the assembly sounded, when Clara dropped a public word or two, and he spoke in perfect harmony with her.

Well, my dear reader, this little plant which should spring up like the poppies in the wheat, this plant which has never been seen growing higher than watercress, but which should overtop the oaks, this undiscoverable plant, I know where it grows.

She was also desirous of learning by what undiscoverable means, by what happy fortune, he had been conducted to this impervious retreat, and at so critical a juncture.

Gosset had a foolish grin on his face and was staring away in some undiscoverable direction.

A delicious frisson of shame and excitement twinged in him, as if he had spoken an unspoken yearning to a lover or witnessed an act both vile and private from an undiscoverable peephole.