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a. The opposite of dependable

  1. adj. not worthy of reliance or trust; "in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable"; "an undependable assistant" [syn: unreliable] [ant: reliable, reliable]

  2. not to be trusted [syn: unreliable]

  3. liable to be erroneous or misleading; "an undependable generalization" [syn: unreliable]

Usage examples of "undependable".

Usually most undependable just when they would seem to be most valuable.

For two days and three nights he could forget the undependable little beasties who earned him his living.

A sonic stunner was a surer bet than a hypothetical, undependable psi power.

While their association never quite came to seem like anything as positive as a mistake, Sprake revealed himself over the years to be an undependable accomplice, his motives as hidden even from himself as the metaphysics by which he claimed to understand what was happening.

Added to which a peculiar orbital motion, designed to keep the artefact at its south pole presented to a location deep inside the central area of the Kefahuchi Tract, gave it nauseous, undependable rhythms.

Nastic ship, to make a single, watery, undependable trace in the display.

Many of the warped people who chose that road were tried and found wanting, judged to be disastrously undependable and kept on the outer fringes of the group, knowing nothing of its serious projects and inner secrets.

Roads and forests were equally undependable as the mind maintaining the area was preoccupied with other things.

It was something like piloting a sailing ship in a sea full of variable currents, depending upon winds that were undependable from day to day even though they held to a fairly consistent pattern.

He was an exceptionally clever trainer, but a nervous, undependable man who offered you lifelong friendship one day and cut you dead the next.

There was a quality here, undependable, uncertain, dangerous perhaps, but rare and unmistakable.

Now, if there's one thing in this world Hollywood agents pray for, it's the chance to land their clients in a television series, because it means steady work in a notoriously undependable business.

Management decided that Samoans were too lazy and undependable to use as a work force, so they pulled the strings to permit the importation of fishermen from Japan, a great horde of squat, dim little subhuman robots who are managing to kill all the porpoise in the Pacific along with their damned tuna fish.