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UIMA (Pronounced as ″u e ma″) stands for Unstructured Information Management Architecture. An OASIS standard as of March 2009, UIMA is to date the only industry standard for content analytics. Other general frameworks used for natural language processing include the General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) and the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK).

UIMA is a component software architecture for the development, discovery, composition, and deployment of multi-modal analytics for the analysis of unstructured information and its integration with search technologies developed by IBM. The source code for a reference implementation of this framework has been made available on SourceForge, and later on the website of the Apache Software Foundation.

One potential use of UIMA is in a logistics analysis software system that could convert unstructured data such as repair logs and service notes into relational tables. These tables can then be used by automated tools to detect maintenance or manufacturing problems.

Another use of UIMA is in systems that are used in medical contexts to analyze clinical notes, such as the Clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System ( Apache cTAKES).