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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Tuxedo coat

Tuxedo \Tux*e"do\, Tuxedo coat \Tux*e"do coat`\, n.

  1. A kind of black jacket for semiformal evening dress made without tails, usually of black or dark blue color and having satin or grosgrain facing on the lapels; -- so named after a fashionable country club at Tuxedo Park, New York. [U. S.]

  2. The complete semiformal evening suit, including the tuxedo jacket, matching trousers, and black bow tie, and usually including a cummerbund; -- the style of shirt worn with this suit varies, and the outfit may include a dickey.

Usage examples of "tuxedo coat".

He could almost feel her sleek tuxedo coat and the baby softness of her pink belly, and how well he remembered the comforting sound of her toenails clicking across the hardwood floor back in the days when he had been a frequent visitor of Hammer's.

Uncle Jingle did a little dance of pleasure, his long tuxedo coat flapping.