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vb. (en-past of: trawl)

Usage examples of "trawled".

I was first trawled, none of us would have dreamed it would become possible to put a human being into a sort of suspended state of animation and then hope to revitalize them.

Before the white-coated, faceless men and women of Project Cerberus had trawled him into the future.

It seemed that scientist working at the very end of the twentieth century had been dabbling with temporal travel, and had been searching the Victorian times for a possible victim, or specimen, to be trawled forward.

Doctor Theophilus Tanner had been trawled in a time experiment operation in November 1896.

He was trawled forward to only three years before the long winters began.

He remembered their fifth wedding anniversary, their last wedding anniversary before the white-coats from the future trawled him away forever.

To distract his mind from this major worry, Andrew, driving back to London, turned his thoughts towards the theory that he had trawled in a somewhat random way across his conversation with WPC Rogers.