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n. (plural of traveller English)

Usage examples of "travellers".

Twenty years later I found all the doors in Spain with a bolt outside, so that travellers were, as if they had been in prison, exposed to the outrageous molestation of nocturnal visits from the police.

We were five at supper, for it is usual for the vetturino to supply his travellers with their meals, unless some private agreement is made otherwise, and to sit down at table with them.

I related the whole affair to the bishop, exaggerating the uproar, making much of the injustice of such proceedings, and railing at a vexatious police daring to molest travellers and to insult the sacred rights of individuals and nations.

Here there were dry, shallow caves under broken ledges of rock, into which most of the Travellers dispersed themselves.

I found the two travellers and the brothers Lunin, then lieutenants but now generals.

Even more so than the Travellers, we understand metals and mechanisms.

Arlek of the Travellers that my Lord Shaithis will speak to him in person.

Even if he does, still there are Travellers with me who are dissatisfied with his leadership.

There are many Travellers and we are, after all, only one small tribe.

Wamphyri did come, why, then there were offerings to be made, and the Wamphyri Lords, their warriors and undead soldiers would collect their tithe of one hundred Travellers and depart.

Lardis, in his turn, was of the same mind: let other tribal leaders do what they would, go their own ways and good luck to them, his people would never submit to the Wamphyri, nor would they prey on brother and sister Travellers for dubious personal benefits and the well-being of vile, inhuman Starside overloads.

There were still tribes who operated one tithe system or another, using either captive Travellers stolen from other groups to placate the Wamphyri, or even drawing lots and sacrificing members of their own nomad communities.

Such Travellers who had adopted or accepted this servile existence were generally of large eastern-flank tribes numbering more than a thousand strong.

When it was sunup he kept lookouts in the southern extremes of the pass, to warn of Travellers moving west and supply intelligence reports of their strengths, persuasions, and any possible dangers to his own people springing from their presence or route of passage.

Simmons journeyed west with Zek, Lardis and his Travellers, journeyed in the golden glow of the slowly setting sun.