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n. (plural of trader English)

Traders (TV series)

Traders is a Canadian television drama series, which was broadcast on Global Television Network from 1996 to 2000.

Traders (video game)

Traders is a business simulation game with a science fiction setting. It was created by André Wüthrich and published by Merit software in 1991. Traders was inspired by M.U.L.E. and released for MS-DOS, Atari ST and Amiga home computers. Up to four players control characters, aliens known as Plubbers, to make the most money in a commercial competition. Players grow fields, sell products, and raid other players.

Usage examples of "traders".

Pushing her way to the front between the traders, Reya stepped forward with Tenia by her side.

Two men and a woman, wearing the pale blue tunics of traders, enter the building which the three exiles had just left.

A couple of the traders wore headbands to keep long, shaggy hair out of their faces, while others had their hair tied back at the napes.

She counted quickly and there were twelve traders, including Darvk and Maverk.

Borga and Morgan stepped forward, while the other traders watched tensely.

Seeing her stagger, the traders started forward, but again she halted them with the sharp blade.

Eyes opening, she found herself surrounded by men as big as the Daamen traders but without the rough, piratical appearance.

The meal progressed, and at the end the traders piled their plates behind a door in the counter and they left the cabin.

That meant that all the traders were on board, and the ship securely shut for the night.

Daamen traders, their evident tension making them appear even more dangerous.

Heavy pounding sounded behind her, a clear indication that the traders were hot on her heels.

Daamen traders toward the crumbling ruins of what had once been a large and thriving settlement.

The bounty hunters reached for knives while the traders surged forward, Maverk running for Cormac whose bullwhip cracked and snaked through the air at Reya.

Suddenly, without a word, they stood and started down the slope, the six traders following.

Tenia and Reya with the traders following, stealthily made their way back to the hover vehicle.