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toy chest

n. chest for storage of toys [syn: toy box]

Usage examples of "toy chest".

A happy, secure toy can tumble headlong into misery if he is broken, lost, or -- the most terrifying and probable of prospects -- if he is discarded to the bottom of the toy chest in favor of a new plaything.

Near it sat a wooden chest, like Niall's toy chest, except that it was brown, not purple.

We'd both been through the toy chest before, of course, but the camera seemed to offer nothing.

At the end of the day every single toy will be shut back in the toy chest and all Danny's stuffed animals will be back on the shelves, staring at her with military precision.

It touched Duncan to see her heaving her toys back into the toy chest every evening, unasked.

In the family room, a toy chest stood open, its contents flung in every direction: dolls, teddy bears, a bright yellow school bus filled with brightly painted spool kids with round painted heads.

Once she was inside, her eyes took flight, darting and alighting upon desk, bookshelves, toy chest, back to the desk.

There was a small wooden toy chest under one of the front windows and a child's rocker beside the chest.