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Tortelli is a type of pasta typically from the Lombardy, Emilia-Romania and Tuscany regions of Italy. It is made in several different shapes which may be square-like ravioli, semi-circular shaped like anolini or twisted into a rounded form to appear like the shape of a small hat similar to a cappelletti. It can be served with melted butter, bolognese sauce, broth and other forms of sauce. The same word is also used to describe small fried pastries filled with jam or cream.

The most typical dishes of Romania are ricotta tortelli with herbs served with butter and sage. Other typical dishes include green Torricelli, pumpkin (Mantua, Reggio Emilia, Piacenza and Cremona), the tortelli di Parma with ricotta and herbs ( ravioli with greens ), spinach, potatoes or pumpkin and Tortes with the filling of sweet and sour of Parma.

In Tuscany, there are many popular forms of tortelli. The Tortello of Melo is typical in Pistoia. The potato Torricelli is widespread in the territories of Arezzo, Florence and Prato. The Maremma with spinach tortelli that stands out for the filling of ricotta cheese and spinach and the larger size than the other types. There are also famous potato Torricellis Magellan. There are also sweet Pitigliano of Jewish influence.

The Torricelli is from the Apuan area (or "Torricelli" in the local dialect), typical of Lucca, Versilia and Garfagnana, they have a semi-circular form and contain a filling of meat and herbs (such thyme and "peporino"). The Torricelli was originally a dish to be cooked only on Shove Tuesday, but they have now become popular in the kitchen and are prepared year-round.