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took the cake

vb. (en-simple pasttake the cake)

Usage examples of "took the cake".

Of all the dirty, contemptible tricks I ever heered of, that took the cake.

So the sight of a naked ass isn't exactly new to me, but the one I was presently watching took the cake.

He took the cake and the Simbul's hand as well, not quite certain what to do with it, but determined not to let it go.

Another hand, this one smaller, golden rather than the functional pewter-gray of the rest, uncoiled itself from the edge of a plate and took the cake, setting it delicately onto the empty plate.

He took the cake of rough spelt wheat - he hoped they would have something better to eat at the feast to follow - broke it and thrust a morsel between Julia's lips.

He'd seen his share of fantastic phenomena, but this one took the cake.

Tev had pulled more than his share of boneheaded moves over the past several months, but suggesting to the insulated, unknowing colony that they openly invite in the dangerous, mendacious, technology scavengers took the cake.

He'd seen many a bustle in Europe, but the one she wore took the cake.

He took the cake of soft, and very greasy, soap that one of the men servants was holding out to him, smeared it all over his hands and cautiously immersed them in the water.

His father had done many asinine things in his life, but this took the cake.

Then on the night of the full moon I took the cake to the site where I did an evocation of the spirit, so it could see and understand what I was doing, I then sigilised the cake by carving a rune of protection and personal power into it while in a mild trance induced by drumming and the ingestion of weak psychoactive plant sacraments.