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to the day

adv. Of temporal measurements or comparisons: exactly; measured on the level of days, rather than more loosely by weeks, months etc.

Usage examples of "to the day".

Sometimes it seemed to him that it ought to be dated back to that day in California when, while still a senior in high school, he had definitely decided to become a foreign service cadet, or at least to the day when he had been notified that he had passed the competitive examinations at Vallejo.

Sometimes it seemed more sensible to date it to the day, a little over two years later, when he had been apprenticed to Daniel Hart, the United States Secretary for Space, whom Dr Langer served as trouble-shooter.

They seemed to want to move on, and by now they were well broken to the day&rsquo.

They seemed to want to move on, and by now they were well broken to the day’.

We were the same age almost to the day, and at twenty-three had married without doubts.

I have two or three tenants who are said to be Christians, and they are honest and industrious fellows who always pay me my rent to the day.