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to scale

adv. (context of a model English) such that each dimension has the same proportion to the original

Usage examples of "to scale".

Most had attached themselves to Scale's troop of marauders, and the long-armed man was dead certain that was entirely because of the Warlock, There was the time Scale had ordered him to drive over two hundred klicks to a tiny hamlet in the foothills of the Darks, The long-armed man had been told to stay put, sit in the land wag for as long as it took for Scale to conduct his business, ostensibly a visit to this real high-class cathouse the ville boasted.

But the barriers I had erected were hard to scale, even harder to break down.

La Forge looked up at the forbidding cliff they were about to scale.

You were granted the funding to scale a twenty-four-hour watch on all potential victims who had recently been acquitted of rape.

Gaz, unable to scale the cliff, stood on the ground below shouting orders for La-ja to descend to him.

He dropped to one knee, Copperhead at the ready, waiting for the team to scale the wall and join him.

Unless Spiderman is in the neighborhood, it's highly unlikely that anyone is going to scale the wall.