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to heel

interj. An order to an animal, by its master, to not stray far from him. prep.phr. 1 Into agreement. 2 Into compliance.

Usage examples of "to heel".

Stop getting in my way and tell me who I have to bring to heel to get anything done around here.

Sterling could only imagine what his old enemies the French would say if they could see his devil dogs brought to heel by nothing more than a woman's touch.

Before Tulla could sick our Harras on Jenny -- I'm sure he wouldn't have hurt her -- I whistled Harras to heel.

As Masera's SUV pulled up the driveway, she hopped out to meet it on one foot, still pulling her sneaker on the other and leaving Druid in a quandary over how to heel to such a gait.

They barked and dashed about until called to heel, then lay with their eyes bright and ears cocked forward.