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n. (non-gloss definition: Optional singular for thrips, an insect of the order Thysanoptera.)


n. any of various small to minute sucking insects with narrow feathery wings if any; they feed on plant sap and many are destructive [syn: thrips, thripid]

Usage examples of "thrip".

Members of the current Dea Cretan, including Bartta, had tried to Thrip and failed.

It wasn't as if she could climb upon a strand and Thrip herself away from here.

The rapid redeployment of differentiated energies one picks up as one Thrips can be toxic.

She directed herself to Thrip obliquely, so that she would pass through the Kell where Mother's body lay dying with­out remaining there.

She had directed Mother to Thrip them into the cubicle Kell, where she had with trem­bling bloody hands withdrawn The Book of Recantation from the shad­owed Ja-Gaar's mouth.

Like the device that the V'ornn stupidly activated, sor-cerous safeguards were established long ago to make sure no one could Thrip into the Storehouse or anywhere in Middle Palace.

She directed herself to Thrip obliquely, so that she would pass through the Kell where Mother's body lay dying with-out remaining there.

She had directed Mother to Thrip them into the cubicle Kell, where she had with trem-bling bloody hands withdrawn The Book of Recantation from the shad-owed Ja-Gaar's mouth.

When one Thrips there is no time or space-at least not as we understand it.

The effects are cumulative-very soon it begins to permanently impair your ability to Thrip at all.

Even with the Gift, even with the mononculus to protect you from the radiation tides between Realms, you can only begin your Thrip in and around holy places.

Accordingly, she devised an escape route into Otherwhere-daring and dangerous inasmuch as she had never attempted to Thrip before.

But as in Axis Tyr, it was impossible to Thrip within the boundaries of Za Hara-at.