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n. (plural of thill English)

Usage examples of "thills".

And, funniest of all, was the high, two-wheeled caleche, with one seat, and top thrown back, with long thills and poor horse.

Upon this vehicle were piled, Heaven knows how, behind, before, on the thills, and underneath the high seat, sometimes ten, and not seldom as many as eighteen people, men, women, and children,--all in flaunting rags, with a colored scarf here and there, or a gay petticoat, or a scarlet cap,--perhaps a priest, with broad black hat, in the center,--driving along like a comet, the poor horse in a gallop, the bells on his ornamented saddle merrily jingling, and the whole load in a roar of merriment.

We see long, slender carts in the street, with one horse hitched far ahead with rope traces, and no thills or pole.