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the Crane

n. a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix [syn: Grus]

The Crane

The Crane is a 1992 short film distributed by the British Film Institute.

The movie is set in London. The filming location was the Acton shopping precinct.

The film took place at the 36th London Film Festival in 1992.

Usage examples of "the crane".

He moves Meriwhen, the crane, and the ropes and pulleys, and their anchors to the other end of the foundation, where he sets up for the same effort.

Silk had seen a picture of a bird of the crane kind not long before, and though he could not recall where it had been, he remembered it now, and with it Crane's self-mockery.

Frebec sat alone at the Crane Hearth, looking at the fire, feeling mixed emotions.

They had fought well if briefly in the skirmishes against the crew of the Crane: some had died, over-anxious to get in a blow against the race that had enslaved and tormented them.

Get those greedy louts from the Crane out of the way, things'll look better.

A moment later there was a winching noise and the crane began to swing.

In no time at all, they had it where he wanted it and workmen were swarming over it to fasten it while he came swinging down on the crane hook.

The men on the rear deck had to grab for handholds when the cab lifted, but Westerbeke kept the crane grinding onward.

Bobby was near one of the cylindrical steel posts that supported the crane tracks.

But the crane was really the masterpiece, because the crane was a roaring yellow beacon of light, a sizzling torch in the middle of the roadwork.

No doubt some fox or traveling weasel had eaten the rest of the crane's brothers and sisters.

The stocky, broad-shouldered seaman was supervising cargo loading from the dock, bellowing orders at the crane operators as they lifted a half-dozen metal crates in a cargo net and lowered them into a forward hatch.

A huge crucible of molten steel hung from an overhead crane, but the crane operator was sitting in shocked wonder, unable to lower the molten steel because of the confusion on the dirt floor beneath him.

Garza turned toward the crane operator, one gloved hand keeping his hood secure against the wind.