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adv. 1 In a terminal manner. 2 Leading to death; lasting until death. 3 (context military of missile guidance English) To the target. 4 (context location English) At the end.


adv. at the end; "terminally ill"

Usage examples of "terminally".

The taller of the two shuffled forward, a hairless mountain of flesh with the small eyes, unfocused gaze, and microcephalic skull of the terminally retarded.

Vickers reminded himself that, as far as all the world, with sole exception of Victoria Morgenstern was concerned, he was also terminally unemployed.

In addition, Captain Unset is attempting to open whaling in the name of his aging father who is terminally ill.

Monday morning at quarter to nine, Andi used the bedroom phone for a short course in therapeutic radiation for the terminally ill.

About the only people who use the Enfield Marine complex in a VA-related way now seem to be wild-eyed old Vietnam veterans in fatigue jackets de-sleeved to make vests, or else drastically old Korea vets who are now senile or terminally alcoholic or both.

It happened to people who read too many how-to books and became terminally strange.

His assignment was to interrogate surviving inmates, specifically the ones the medical evacuation teams deemed terminally ill--the husks of human beings who would most likely never live to identify their captors in court.

Until they were finally fully banned, psychotropic drugs had been common at comedy clubs for the terminally humorless.

And the voice of authority did wonders, it had found, even for the terminally brain-damaged.

The Phnaargs were the first race ever to become irrevocably hooked on television, the first to fall victim to the dangerous and terminally addictive radiations of the cathode ray tube.

In that case, knocking down a hornets' nest seemed terminally stupid on Gloria's part.

He went on to explain that levomethorphan is a very effective pain reliever prescribed almost exclusively for people terminally ill with cancer.

I feel sure that older people and the terminally ill - anyone, indeed, who fears death - could also receive a great deal of comfort from talks by mediums, who could prove to them beyond doubt that there is a life after this one.

In fact, parents have often brought along a terminally ill child, telling me: 'We're not expecting a miracle but we feel that we'd like to help him a little.

One of the things he's discovered is that sometimes the terminally ill come to a kind of peace once they accept that they _are_ going to die.