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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Teleosaurus \Te`le*o*sau"rus\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? complete, perfect + ? a lizard.] (Paleon.) A genus of extinct crocodilian reptiles of the Jurassic period, having a long and slender snout.


Teleosaurus was an extinct genus of teleosaurid crocodyliform that lived during the Middle Jurassic. It was approximately in length. Teleosaurus had highly elongate jaws, similar to those of a modern gharial. It had a long, slender, body, with a sinuous tail that would have helped propel it through the water. Its forelimbs were remarkably short, and would probably have been held close to the body when swimming to improve the animal's streamlining. Unlike modern crocodilians, it lived in the open ocean, and it probably caught fish and squid with its sharp, needle-like teeth.

Usage examples of "teleosaurus".

One of the first beasts that greets you--not, in fact, a dinosaur--is Teleosaurus, a gigantic crocodilian of the late Triassic, sprawling in the shallow water of the lake.