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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He's teetotal, or very nearly.
▪ I do not know if he was teetotal, but my guess would be that he was.
▪ Jack had always been teetotal, since he was convinced that if he ever touched alcohol, he would become dependent.
▪ Originally the working men's clubs were strictly teetotal and it wasn't until 1860 that beer was allowed on the premises.
▪ Other than that, he stayed teetotal for the rest of the week.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Teetotal \Tee*to"tal\, a. Entire; total. [Colloq.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"pledged to total abstinence from intoxicating drink," 1834, possibly formed from total (adj.) with a reduplication of the initial T- for emphasis (T-totally "totally," though not in an abstinence sense, is recorded in Kentucky dialect from 1832 and is possibly older in Irish-English).\n

\nThe use in temperance jargon was first noted September 1833 in a speech advocating total abstinence (from beer as well as wine and liquor) by Richard "Dicky" Turner, a working-man from Preston, England. Also said to have been introduced in 1827 in a New York temperance society which recorded a T after the signature of those who had pledged total abstinence, but contemporary evidence for this is wanting, and while Century Dictionary allows that "the word may have originated independently in the two countries," OED favors the British origin and ones that Webster (1847) calls teetotaler "a cant word formed in England."


a. 1 abstinent from alcohol, never drinking alcohol. 2 Opposed to the drinking of alcohol. 3 total.


adj. practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages; "he's been dry for ten years"; "no thank you; I happen to be teetotal" [syn: dry]


v. practice teetotalism and abstain from the consuymption of alcoholic beverages

Usage examples of "teetotal".

I was out of my mind with sobriety, teetotalled I felt lightheaded, I felt downright drunk, eating dinner up here with this sicko who saw nothing in me but myself.

What was the date of the squassation of the Bohunk of Planet Teetotal, in local zero-meridian time?

May-December25 marriage to one of the few bona fide bombshell-type females in North American academia, the extremely tall and high-strung but also extremely pretty and gainly and teetotalling and classy Dr.

There is also Deuteronomy, the gardener, who is also hardworking, reliable and honest though he is not teetotal.

Christians oppressing Jews as well as blacks as well as Muslims, for the most part teetotal pederastic people, and of course the other way round, although neither Jews nor blacks have had much opportunity to be oppressive, except in Israel and Africa.

The White House was run upon teetotal principles, as strictly so as his humble home in Springfield.