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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Teagle \Tea"gle\ (t[=e]"g'l), n. [Cf. Tackle.] A hoisting apparatus; an elevator; a crane; a lift. [Prov. Eng.]


n. (context UK dialect English) A hoisting apparatus; an elevator, crane, or lift.


Teagle may refer to:

  • Terry Michael Teagle (born 1960), American professional basketball player
  • Walter Clark Teagle (1878–1962), American president of Standard Oil of New Jersey
  • Teagle, California
  • Block and tackle

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Usage examples of "teagle".

Everything depended now upon whether Linky Teagle was really in possession of any information about those escaped convicts, as Leane Manners had suggested in the hint she had dropped.

By his very attitude, Teagle had half admitted that he knew where Gilly was.

Marcy was talking very low, almost inaudibly, and Teagle was bent forward, ears straining to catch his words.

He would have given much to know what Marcy and Teagle were discussing, but there were many things he had to do yet tonight.

If Teagle kept his appointment at midnight, he might reach to the very core of it.

He might, too, be walking into a trap-especially in view of the fact that Teagle was intimate with Marcy.

For Teagle, after a short talk with Marcy, arose, while the ex-gangster waited for him, and went outside, crossed the street to a phone booth in a drug store.

When Teagle returned to the booth where Marcy awaited him, his cunning little eyes were shining with excitement.

Linky Teagle had been there and gone, or whether he would soon appear.

Also, as Teagle rang the bell at the door, the Agent saw two men appear out of a hallway several doors down.

Presently the door of the inner room opened and Linky Teagle came out-alone.

He poured out two stiff jolts of whisky, handed one to Teagle, and downed his own at a gulp, sighed gustily.

But Teagle, acting, with desperate speed, had slipped through the inner door that led to the back room and kicked the door shut.

If it entertained any emotion of anger at being balked of its other prey, any disappointment at missing Linky Teagle, there was no way of telling.

One of the four disappeared through the side door, returned in a moment with a glass of water which Teagle gulped at a single draught.