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Taygeta ( 19 Tauri) is a triple star system in the constellation Taurus and a member of the Pleiades star cluster. It also has the little-used Bayer designation q Tauri. It is approximately 440 light years from Earth.

The primary component, Taygeta A, is a blue-white B-type subgiant with an apparent magnitude of +4.30. It is a spectroscopic binary, whose component stars have magnitudes of +4.6 and +6.1. They are separated by 0.012 arcseconds and complete one orbit every 1313 days. They have an 8th magnitude companion, Taygeta B, 69 arcseconds away.

Taygeta is a suspected variable star. It was once reported to be variable, but has since been measure to be one of the least variable of stars.