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taxi stand

n. A designated place in a street, railway station, airport etc where taxicabs line up to wait for passengers.

Usage examples of "taxi stand".

Soda, across the street from the Triangle Taxi Stand, and there he found his father drinking coffee with some of the other men.

They went down the elevator and over to the 34th Street Observatory entrance which Bang-Bang usually used due to the large taxi stand there, apparently.

Scotty went down the steps and started up the street toward the drugstore, but as he passed the taxi stand next to the hotel, the door of a yellow cab flew open and the driver jumped out to face him.

Nest disembarked carrying her bag, walked outside to the taxi stand, and caught a ride downtown.

McCready waited ten minutes, strolled up to the taxi stand on Tunistrasse, and hailed a cab for Bonn.

As they were heading to the taxi stand, a swarm of the derelicts approached, hands out, heads muf­.