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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
taxi rank
▪ But the taxi rank outside the hotel had been full and idle and the target had been straight into a vehicle.
▪ He scurried over to the taxi rank.
▪ The front line is this taxi rank in the town centre.
▪ The men were shot as they waited to pick up fares at a Castle Street taxi rank.
taxi rank

n. 1 An area reserved for taxi cabs to await customers. 2 (context British English) The system whereby barristers must accept a brief if they are the first available when one comes up.

taxi rank

n. a place where taxis park while awaiting customers; "in England the place where taxis wait to be hired is called a `taxi rank'" [syn: cabstand, taxistand]

Usage examples of "taxi rank".

Hanging up the phone and exiting from under the dome's privacy, Lefranc scarcely noticed two cowled nuns making their way along the platform toward the taxi rank.

When Ashton and Benson reached the taxi rank they took separate cabs, Benson going over the Centralbron towards the railway station, and Ashton going in the dead opposite direction towards Sodermalm.

A similar car had been waiting near the taxi rank at the Trocadero.

The journey he'd made in from the airport, out on to the Antrim Road, his wait there, the trip back,the walk to the taxi rank, that delay sitting in the back waiting to go all had taken their toll in time.