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tamarind tree

n. long-lived tropical evergreen tree with a spreading crown and feathery evergreen foliage and fragrant flowers yielding hard yellowish wood and long pods with edible chocolate-colored acidic pulp [syn: tamarind, tamarindo, Tamarindus indica]

Usage examples of "tamarind tree".

Nefer waited patiently, hidden in the top branches of the tamarind tree.

But, even from the tamarind tree at the fork in the road, Abdee could see the sky already blackening with smoke.

I plucked a stout switch from a tamarind tree, and the moment he saw it, he surrendered.

He was sitting beneath the shade of his favourite resort, the tamarind tree, when he made this resolve.

Pedro Luz is so pissed he yanks the steering wheel off its column and heaves it into a tamarind tree.

For a while nothing moved, and there was no sound except the rustle of the leaves of the tamarind tree that stood on the terrace below the balcony.

There had been none at all for more than half an hour by the time Will spotted the big tamarind tree he’.