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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Talmudic \Tal*mud"ic\, Talmudical \Tal*mud"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. talmudique.] Of or pertaining to the Talmud; contained in the Talmud; as, Talmudic Greek; Talmudical phrases.

Usage examples of "talmudical".

Then might be perceived the zealots, proud in their Talmudical lore, holding a skein of white silk in their hands, and announcing the approach of the Sabbath by their observation of its shifting tints.

According to a Talmudical story, however, of which I find a note, this monarch was not a Hebrew but a Gentile, and a very wicked one.

It is a Talmudical as much as it is a Pauline idea, that the triumphant power of the Messiah would restore what the unfortunate fall of Adam forfeited.