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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sympathetically \Sym`pa*thet"ic*al*ly\, adv. In a sympathetic manner.


adv. 1 Owing to or showing evidence of "sympathy", or affinity; happening through or demonstrating correspondences, whether occult or physiological. 2 In a manner which demonstrates a sharing in the feelings of others; compassionately.

  1. adv. with respect to the sympathetic nervous system; "the stimulus acted sympathetically"

  2. in a sympathetic manner; "she listened to him sympathetically" [syn: empathetically, with sympathy, with empathy] [ant: unsympathetically]

Usage examples of "sympathetically".

Both Lord Bute and the King had heard this story many times before, but they listened sympathetically.

When Doxy shook her head, he sighed again, this time more sympathetically.

When I tried to talk about Guajira, people would smile sympathetically and change the subject.

This ballet, so sympathetically described by Jenny to her friend Harry, this ballet in three acts, so meticulously rehearsed, this sumptuously staged ballet -- Haseloff in person had designed noise-making mechanisms and button-spitting automata -- this scarecrow ballet was never to open.

When the task of helping was done, then Agassiz skilfully came to the point of his business--the skeletons--and this so dexterously and sympathetically, that the men were, it seemed, ready to turn over the living as well as the dead beasts for his service.

The clerk at the desk peered at him sympathetically as he pressed his fingers into the checkout plate, thereby erasing the impress from the doorplate upstairs.

The preceding allusion to the complications of chronic inflammation of the liver shows the necessity of clearly distinguishing between the symptoms of this disorder and those reflected by the organs which sympathetically respond.

Jones, Sherlock Holmes, Farmer Toowey, and Sir Henry Baskerville looked sympathetically up from the high tea which the landlord was serving them.

The vicar and choirboys look on sympathetically, as -- Steed dusts himself off.

And it is obviously in no way contradictory to this philosophy, for me, if I find others responding sympathetically to any notes of mine or if I find myself responding sympathetically to notes sounding about me, to give that common resemblance between myself and others a name, to refer these others and myself in common to this thing as if it were externalised and spanned us all.

He was dressed as a lightly armored secutor, as befit the Caligulan theme of the park The gladiators said nothing, just nodded sympathetically and passed on down the corridor.

I feel sure that here before me were assembled those, in whose unhealing hearts the sight of those bleak tablets sympathetically caused the old wounds to bleed afresh.

Devenish sympathetically and moves to the back of the Chesterfield and is about to speak to Belinda.

It must have been my freshness from Italy which made him talk chiefly of his own happy days in the land which so sympathetically brevets all its lovers fellow-citizens.

The fire lizards chirped sympathetically at her from the window ledge outside her fast-shuttered room.