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Crossword clues for swole

  1. 1 Pertaining to men showboating themselves in front of one another, sometimes before a fight. 2 (context slang English) Having large, well-developed muscles. 3 (context slang English) Having an erect penis 4 (context slang of the penis English) erect alt. (context US South AAVE English) (en-pastswell) v

  2. (context US South AAVE English) (en-pastswell)

Usage examples of "swole".

I foundered and my sides swole up with gas, like an old horse in a corncrib.

She was dressed in a beautiful white gown with woven curly grass fern in a crown on her silvery head, but her face was tear-streaked and her lips swole up.

And then he run around it and kicked it in the saddle, screaming at it, and he was still so mad he run over to a tree and swung on it and cracked his middle knuckle and got a hand that swole up like a ball.

No sign she was ever sick, and there are those know she was swole three days ago.

Oh, hell, there she went with that finger, like the finger of God, only knobby and swole up with arthritis.

I feel like hell, my back hurts, my ankles are all swole up, and my face looks like a balloon.

Dem wogs, dey get all black 'n swole up real fast, 'n den dey pops lika grape when yu—"