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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"instrument for swatting flies," 1906, agent noun from swat (v.).


n. 1 Something used to swat with. Short for a flyswatter. 2 Someone who swats.

  1. n. an implement with a flat part (of mesh or plastic) and a long handle; used to kill insects [syn: flyswatter, flyswat]

  2. v. splash and flutter about in or as if in water; "She swattered about in the pool"

Usage examples of "swatter".

Dhonau and Terris Shen, the other Swatter, had been in position for nearly an hour.

An unimaginative approach, and potentially expensive: it could cost them one of their low-flying boats to locate each Swatter position.

But I do wish you had told us that the Swatter was on the other side of this little caper.

He got into it one time with Guido, and the Swatter took out both him and his corporal without even raising a sweat.

To my astonishment, he produces a fly swatter from somewhere and whacks a spot on the wall.

He tosses the fly swatter vaguely toward a closet, slips an arm around my shoulders, and leads me back into the great room, as he calls it.

He went over to another table and returned with a swatter made of light metal mesh about the size of a squash racquet.

Before every launch I run diagnostics and do a go-nogo for every ring on the entire catapult, then the same thing for the maglev rail the swatter runs on, then for the release mech on the swatter itself.

I only had to attempt an abort after the swatter started moving one time.

There was a ceiling fan in every room and a fly swatter, too, hung in a discreet spot on a tiny nail.

Death was a fly that stopped buzzing when the swatter hit it He had a hard time thinking about himself in connection with the smashed fly or the dead pig, gone stiff in the sun.

They carried ladders, field glasses, swatters, and guns that could shoot a small cyanide pellet directly into a hive entrance.

The citizen crusade made diverting stories for the media, but the scientists knew that the main - and ominous - result of thousands on thousands of wellmeaning people trooping through woodlands with swatters, cyanide guns and torches had been to force the.

She was slithering through the cracks in the fabric of space/time, a tiny, agile insect evading the forefinger and thumb that were poised to crush her, a fly whose random dartings took her out of the path of the cosmic fly swatter.

Rhodan was just as certain that his plan, Fly Swatter, had little in common with strategy.