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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Swathe \Swathe\ (sw[=a][th]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Swathed (sw[=a][th]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Swathing.] [OE. swathen, AS. swe[eth]ain. See Swath, n., and cf. Swaddle.] To bind with a swathe, band, bandage, or rollers.

Their children are never swathed or bound about with any thing when they are first born.
--Abp. Abbot.


n. A wrapping. vb. (present participle of swathe English)


n. cloth coverings wrapped around something (as a wound or a baby)

Usage examples of "swathing".

Then they muffled their finished works separately in swathings of fiber mats, and the lord of the Chalca conscripted perhaps one thousand sturdy porters to haul the stones here to the capital.

The priests unwound the swathings of the dead woman's head to make positive her identification.

Instead of heavy woven cloaks like the jawas wore, the sandpeople wrapped themselves mummylike in endless swathings and bandages and loose bits of cloth.

Under the swathings about her head, her eyes were dark, withdrawn into shadows of her own.

The rough black swathings of her order could not conceal that Eudocia was sadly changed.

Their eyes and teeth—almost all he could see for the swathings of coarse cloth—gleamed red in the firelight as they watched.

From carpets and from gaudy woven bags (now much dimmed with the sand), men pulled swathings of thick flannel the color of the desert itself.