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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sunglow \Sun"glow`\, n. A rosy flush in the sky seen after sunset.


n. A rosy flush in the sky seen after sunset.

Usage examples of "sunglow".

As Sunglow seemed to shrink beside him, he pressed against the flow, steering her with his hand on her hip, his wrist against her lower back, just above the swell of her buttocks.

He let go of his money pouch and smiled as he noted Sunglow doing just the same.

He licked his lips, and when that reminded him of other berries, just a little while ago, he recalled the answer he should have given Sunglow then.

And when he ran out of chores to keep him busy, he went home, where Gypsy Blossom and Sunglow had remained near the VC.

And as soon as Dotson and Sunglow and Gypsy Blossom, as well as all the Racs in every street in every city on all the world of First-Stop, were staring at the nearest VC screen, the picture and the sound returned.

Dotson Barbtail and Sunglow had found a place to stand on one of the many low hummocks that were scattered in the gap between the arms of bluff.

He thought most Racs must agree with Sunglow, for the faces all around him were glowing with expectancy and joy and worship.

When the alien ship thundered out of the sky, Dotson and Sunglow and every other Rac covered their ears with their hands and squinted and screamed great screams of neither joy nor dread.

The path Dotson and Sunglow were following toward the Worldtree wound among banks of honeysuckle and beds of moss.

By the time Dotson and Sunglow reached the corner, the path was completely blocked.

Marcus Hrecker and Tamiko Inoue, as bonded to each other, he thought, as he and Sunglow, though they were much more alike.

As soon as the priest had, just as he had the day before, named Dotson Barbtail and Sunglow to their guests, he left.

If the humans had arrived a few weeks before, when he was still trying to protect his secret, to keep anyone from learning that he had stolen a seed and grown a bot in his apartment, to keep Sunglow out of his life and his quarters, when he had had so little attention to spare for his work that he had come far too near to being sent away, he would have had plenty of time to guide them all over Worldtree Center.

The tailless Sunglow, on the other hand, despite her obvious attachment to Dotson, seemed less confident and even resentful.

Dotson and Sunglow into a cylindrical cabin dominated by broad strips of tinted glass or plastic that gave an unobstructed view of the runways and departing planes outside.