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SUBSIM is an online publication founded by Neal Stevens in Jan. 1997 that focuses on naval and submarine computer game reviews, articles, and news. Subsim is short for Submarine simulator. Subsim's forums have been online since 1999, with archives back to 2001. Membership totals were 117,023 at August 2016, with approximately 7700 active members daily. International meets have been held in London, Houston, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Groton, Germany, and Tokyo.

Subsim is the media outlet for game publishers that feature naval content, a resource for military strategists, as well as a source of editorial comment on the state of PC computer simulations and games. Subsim members have been consultants and testers for game such as Enigma, Silent Hunter II, Silent Hunter III, Dangerous Waters, Sub Command, Fleet Command, Destroyer Command, among others. Shortly after the release of the ill-fated Silent Hunter II, Ubisoft agreed to provide Subsim with the game source code to replace the rTime multiplayer engine with DirectPlay. Subsim members raised $10,000 to pay a programmer to make the improvements.