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vb. (obsolete form of struck English)

Usage examples of "strooke".

But hee returning against them with furious force, pryed with his eyes, on whom hee might first assayle with his tuskes : Lepolemus strooke the beast first on the backe with his hunting staffe.

I found but 3 fadom wafter, 60 men being upon the deck, 5 of them would not beleave that she strooke, I criinge to them to beare up and tacke to the westward: they did ther beste but the rock being sharpe the ship was presentlie full of watter.

Earle of Northumberland and Sir Charles Blunt were at dinner upon a time, the bullet of a demy-culvering brake thorow the middest of their cabben, touched their feet, and strooke downe two of the standers-by.

Before she strooke the second strooke the winde began suddenly to freshe and blowe.

And sure he was a man of mickle might,Had he had gouernance, it well to guide:But when the franticke fit inflamd his spright,His force was vaine, and strooke more often wide,Then at the aymed marke, which he had eide:And oft himselfe he chaunst to hurt vnwares,Whilst reason blent through passion, nought descride,But as a blindfold Bull at randon fares,And where he hits, nought knowes, & whom he hurts, nought cares.

So braue returning, with his brandisht blade,He to the Carle himselfe againe addrest,And strooke at him so sternely, that he madeAn open passage through his riuen brest,That halfe the steele behind his back did rest.