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n. (plural of storey English)

Usage examples of "storeys".

Stone houses three and four storeys high lined gravel streets, several very large stone silos and warehouses stood opposite the place where the ships were grounded, and a marketplace with a temple provided a focus for communal life.

Just a few storeys above him, perched impatiently on the roof, was his means of escape, his way to a glittering political destiny.

It slid downwards against the wall for a few feet, and then dropped, with a hideous crashing and banging, nine storeys down to the ground.

The outside hatch sprung open, and they could see the engine ramp four storeys below.

For a moment she considered tossing the package out of the open window into the garden a couple of storeys below, but curiosity and something more got the better of her.

Presumably the upper storeys comprised the living quarters of the Quenuble family.

For the first three storeys, candles burning in wall sconces lighted the stairwell.

It was narrow, two storeys, one of a long terrace built for low-income early Victorians, now inhabited by the affluent as pieds-a-terre: or so Eric Olderjohn affably told me, opening his dark green front door and waving me in.

Every eighty feet around the perimeter, towers three storeys higher than the fighting platform.

They made up for the lack of cars without much trouble, and the tiny streets, maybe four feet wide between buildings five and six storeys high, made tremendous rising echoes, doubling and redoubling voices not notably subdued even without their amplification.