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vb. (en-third-person singular of: starburst)

Usage examples of "starbursts".

As he approached the intricately carved door, gleaming with brilliant golden starbursts and royal monograms, it opened and Tunigorn and Ermanar emerged, looking drawn and somber.

One night we stood on the canted porch and watched tiny starbursts of color in the distant sky.

And instead of eyes I saw two red starbursts that went nova as the thing looked at me.

Thunder roared through a night sky roiling with red spears and starbursts of wild magick.

Year after year I got especially chosen and, I supposed, honoured to deal with the rain-or-no-rain million-dollar gamble on fine weather for the night the skies blazed with the multi-coloured firework starbursts sent up in memory of Guy Fawkes and his blow-up-Parliament gunpowder plot.