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Stad is the word for city used in Swedish, Danish, Dutch and Luxembourgish, and related to German Stadt. See also: Stad (Sweden).

Stad may also refer to:

  • Stad (peninsula) (or Stadlandet), the westernmost point in mainland Norway (in Selje municipality)
  • Stad Ship Tunnel, a proposed ship tunnel through the Stad peninsula in Norway
  • The Irish language word meaning "stop"
  • Science Teams Against Disease is a fund which aims to develop new treatments for schizophrenia
  • Student team achievement division, a cooperative learning classroom technique
  • "Stay To Astronaut Dream"
Stad (Sweden)

Stad (Swedish: "town; city"; plural städer) is a Swedish term that historically has used for urban centers of various sizes. Since 1971, stad has no administrative or legal significance in Sweden.

Stad (peninsula)

Stad or Stadlandet is a peninsula in Selje Municipality in the northwestern part of Sogn og Fjordane county in Norway. The peninsula is considered the dividing point between the Norwegian Sea to the north and the North Sea to the south. The name is sometimes also written as Stadt, Statt, or Statlandet (not to be confused with the similar German word Stadt), because the Norwegian pronunciation of the d in this case is as a t. Some of the larger villages on the peninsula include Ervik (northwestern tip), Borgundvåg and Leikanger (northeastern side), and the village of Selje (southwestern side).

The peninsula is a mountain plateau topped by the Tarvaldsegga peak. There are several lower valleys on the peninsula, but at the western end, the plateau plunges into the sea in a cliff at Kjerringa.

The Stad Peninsula has a very harsh, windy climate. The highest wind speed in the country is often recorded at this promontory. Located between the cities of Bergen (in Hordaland county to the south) and Ålesund (in Møre og Romsdal county to the north), this is the only peninsula on the mainland of Norway that goes out into open sea. Most of the rest of the ship route from Bergen to Ålesund is protected by islands. The Svinøy Lighthouse is located north of the peninsula on a small island in the Norwegian Sea.

Because of the harsh climate, the peninsula can be an obstacle for ship transport along the coast of Norway. It is one of the main obstacles preventing a fast-boat passenger route from Bergen to Ålesund. Current transportation from Bergen-Ålesund is by air via Oslo, by car (7–8 hours), by bus (9 hours) or by the Hurtigruten coastal ferry (13 hours).

As far back as the 1870s there were plans for the construction of a ship tunnel. A pilot project was developed in 1985, and the development company founded the same year. Plans are currently well underway to build the Stad Ship Tunnel at the narrowest point connecting the Moldefjorden to the Kjødspollen (the innermost part of the Vanylvsfjorden) with capacity to take large ships such as the Hurtigruten vessels.

Usage examples of "stad".

Particuliere voertuigen waren in de stad verboden, een maatregel die de verkeersdrukte had teruggedrongen maar die tevens vrij spel bood aan de agressiefste chauffeurs.

More than a hundred million stads had gone into the implant, not to mention the efforts of more than two dozen of the best man and mue brains ever collected for a project this size.

Supaari VaGayjur hen een volledig Rakhati-jaar aan het lijntje had gehouden, was hij van mening geweest dat hij alles voldoende in overweging had genomen, alles adequaat had geregeld, en dat de tijd eindelijk rijp was om hen zijn geadopteerde stad te laten bezoeken.

Meyeberri passed across Tepa Hapak at an easy ten stads an hour, speaking several other ships on the way, reaching the locks by mid-afternoon.

Men was, beseften ze nu, bij de bouw uitgegaan van een soort rooster, een rechtlijnig systeem van met goede, zware keien geplaveide hoofdstraten, plus een systeem van kanalen die de stad in wijken opdeelden en waarover vanaf het platteland of de oceaan binnenkomende goederen konden worden vervoerd naar fabrieken en distributiecentra.

En hij begon nu zelfs wantrouwig te worden, omdat Giuliani zo snel had toegezegd een manier te vinden om Sandoz de stad uit te smokkelen.

In die tijd zou hij niet de rivier op kunnen varen om hen te bezoeken, maar hij zou terugkeren aan het begin van Partan en hen dan meenemen naar de stad.