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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Squall \Squall\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Squalled (skw[add]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Squalling.] [Icel. skval

  1. Cf. Squeal.] To cry out; to scream or cry violently, as a woman frightened, or a child in anger or distress; as, the infant squalled.


n. The act of one who squalls. vb. (present participle of squall English)


adj. characterized by short periods of noisy commotion; "a home life that has been extraordinarily squally" [syn: squally]

Usage examples of "squalling".

Not wanting to indulge in no sprinting in that heat, Bill shot a heel offa his boot, and that brung him down squalling blue murder.

Instantly a most awful bustle broke loose in there and of all the whooping and bellering and shooting I ever heard, and the lion squalling amongst it all, and clothes and hides tearing so you could hear it all over the clearing, and the hosses busting loose and tearing out through the bresh.

For a few seconds they was a hell of a scramble--men cussing and howling and bellering, and rifle-stocks cracking over heads, and the bresh crashing underfoot, and then before I could get into it, the Barlows broke every which-way and took out through the woods like jack-rabbits squalling Jedgment Day.

At last, the infernal squalling of the vocalists ceased, but not before I had devoutly wished that all the wax candles in the house were down their throats and burning there.

The mecheita he was on gave a squalling challenge and charged through prickly brush, raking his leg, catching his jacket, breaking off bits against his trousers on its way to murder.

The mechieti he was on gave a squalling challenge and charged through prickly brush, raking his leg, catching his jacket, breaking off bits against his trousers on its way to murder.

Outside, he heard a howl of shock and anger which broadened into a squalling that rose, then fell and diminished, fading away into the night.

A few hundred Barghastold women and men and childrenwandered through the carnage, gathering the spoils amidst squalling seagulls.

At the end of the alley Miller saw two grey-uniformed Germans with a motorcycle combination parked on the quay under a crowd of squalling gulls.

It was very comforting to know that it was being doneand done wellby troops he felt no responsibility for, and he had no wish to lose the services of these expendables, simply because they felt obliged to stay with their squalling brats and their smelly women.

Hundreds went down under the dripping swords and those who did not ran squalling in every directionpursued relentlessly by the grim, iron-scale-armored men on the big gray horses.

On the instant of their appearance they leaped, emitting squalling, spitting squeals that were like the cries of fighting tomcats ten thousand times magnified.

Scurrying round through the midst of this jumble were servants - tending horses, carrying things like firewood or sacks of what seemed to be vegetables, or even pulling a squalling goat along or driving a couple of pigs before them.