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n. (context organic compound English) A saturated triterpene hydrocarbon made by hydrogenating squalene; used in cosmetics etc.


Squalane is a hydrocarbon and triterpene derived by hydrogenation of squalene. A recent method has reported 100% conversion of squalene to squalane using palladium nanoparticle intercalated natural clay (prepared from local sand of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India) heterogeneous catalyst reported by Sharma and coworkers under solvent free conditions.The clay based catalysts are highly stable and recyclable. Due to the complete saturation of squalane, it is not subject to auto-oxidation. This fact, coupled with lower costs associated with squalane, make it desirable in cosmetic applications, where it is used as an emollient and moisturizer. The hydrogenation of squalene was first reported in 1916. Squalene is sourced from the livers of sharks. Approximately 3000 sharks are required to produce one ton of squalene. Due to environmental concerns, olive oil as an alternative non-animal source has been developed and commercialized. Another commercial non-animal source is phytosqualane, a compound derived from a farnesene in a sugar-cane sucrose fermentation over genetically modified Sacccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains. Farnesene is dimerised to isosqualane and then hydrogenated to squalane.