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Usage examples of "sportif".

Black and Colonel Carson Newburgh left the Cercle Sportif in the Rolls-Royce the French had assigned for his use.

The rest of us are taken to the Cercle Sportif, which is sort of a golf club, with a place where the frogs jump horses over fences.

French Cercle Sportif, with its verandas overlooking the Perfume River, its tennis courts and gleaming white concrete driveway, and he was reminded of an incident that took place on his first trip to Hue, a month earlier in November.

Cercle Sportif, and the Ho Chi Minh Museum, and within a few minutes, we were out of the small city and into the low rolling hills, heading south.

He was a tall, lean, aris-tocralic Naval Academy graduate whose talent lay more in establishing himself as Ie grand phoque at the poolside cocktail bar at the cercle sportif than playing full-contact mud-sucking with the Khmer Rouge.

Jean-Philippe Portet and Lieutenant Geoffrey Craig were having dinner at the Cercle Sportif when Geoff was summoned to the telephone.

Jean-Philippe had met Geoff at the airport and brought him to the Cercle Sportif for dinner, that Geoff was somehow uncomfortable with them.

Rip is in an aquatic and sportif mood, clambering up the side of the fountain and very seriously dunking of jumping in, but there is the problem of his back legs.