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adv. In a spectacular manner, extraordinarily, amazingly.


adv. in a spectacular manner; "the area was spectacularly scenic" [syn: stunningly]

Usage examples of "spectacularly".

The second man, an ordnance officer at the proving ground, had spectacularly committed suicide by exploding an atomic artillery shell, vaporizing himself and certain key comrades including his superior officer.

He already thinks I wrote that vulgar grotesque perversion he saw up there on the screen now when he reads this, if he had any doubts and he reads this where they say I wrote the original script for this spectacularly successful motion picture exploiting madness in the family did you see that?

After that followed a sharp grating noise, a shouted gibberish from Pickman, and the deafening discharge of all six chambers of a revolver, fired spectacularly as a lion tamer might fire in the air for effect.

Chunks of shattered polystyrene swirled around her as though in atmosphere, a sight as flagrantly impossible as her spectacularly non-Newtonian arrival.

A great gush of pyrotic gas rolled out of her tongue and combusted spectacularly across the night sky.

The system had less than two decades of history, but they had, so far, a spectacularly low recidivism rate.

They transmitted plenty of pictures, which were as spectacularly unenlightening as they were visually astounding.

The thinko has shown him pictures of them, spectacularly decadent in size and appearance, long-snouted duckbilled monsters as big as a house and huge lumbering ceratopsians with frilly baroque bony crests and toothy things with knobby horns on their elongated skulls and others with rows of bristling spikes along their high-ridged backs.

Farther off was an area of dark mist that spread along the horizon, broken its entire length by a range of forbidding-looking mountains about ten sizes bigger than the ones we had passed through after leaving Klamath Falls, their peaks set so close together, they might have been a graph forecasting the progress of a spectacularly erratic business.

Lieutenance fortress built and rebuilt over the centuries, to come to rest in the Gars Normand, a small, unpretentious and spectacularly good restaurant overlooking the quayside.

In both instances an assortment of spectacularly hideous alien apparitions visible and audible only to his chemically altered perception fumed powerlessly at him, threatening with tentacles and teeth, with razor-edged suckers and wet, unclean fumy lips.

So named when some hurtling skateboarder burst his head spectacularly against the curb in front of a hundred witnesses last year.

Looking down, he saw that he had landed on his rear in the middle of a large patch of thistlelike plants with springy, woody stems, thin purple leaves, and spectacularly long and pointed stickers.

Downstream, surging white waves seasoned with crystalline humps of green-black water crashed and rattled over a spectacularly rugged section of rocks.

Their design was based on the shapes of the carved Icarii birdmen encircling the Star Gate, except these in the Assembly Chamber were five times as tall, far more spectacularly constructed and consisted of alternating male and female figures.